CBE RPM Revision (+ Mock Exam) Features

“oin me for the ACCA AA Platinum Revision Plus Final Mock Course, designed to help you revise for and pass your AA exam. I’ll focus on exam-oriented learning, using past AA exam questions, some of which I’ve personally adapted or written. We’ll utilise the ACCA CBE practice platform, giving you the confidence you need for the real exam.

Clear learning structure 

The multitude of resources covered could easily get confusing: but Erin has structured these resources into a clear linear structure, so you know when to do what, and can easily plan your studies accordingly.  No more panic about how to start, continue and complete your exam!

ACCA Articles 

ACCA articles relevant to each topic area are included within the relevant topic section, so you have all the information together for each syllabus area, making your study experience much more efficient.

HD Revision Video Lectures

Erin has produced 14 short videos totalling about 3 1/2 hours to recap core AA topics.

PDF Revision Notes

Recap revision notes used to create the HD Revision Videos, which you can download and print / annotate as you watch Erin summarise your syllabus’ key areas.

Question debrief videos

Over 35 past AA exam questions, or key parts of questions, or groups of OT questions, debriefed by video, often using the ACCA practice platform.  Watching Erin debrief questions is the critical bridge between learning the syllabus and knowing how to tackle the exam yourself.

Question debrief videos

Over 35 past AA exam questions, or key parts of questions, or groups of OT questions, debriefed by video, often using the ACCA practice platform.  Watching Erin debrief questions is the critical bridge between learning the syllabus and knowing how to tackle the exam yourself.

Kaplan Online Revision Kit 

The Kaplan kit is used to source many past AA exam questions, as well as other exam standard questions, for the question debrief videos.

Exam standard OT based tests

3 objective test style computer marked tests for you to practice OT questions at AA exam standard.

A full Section A quizzes

A full 30 mark Section A practice exam provided in CBE format through the ACCA CBE practice platform and marked to ACCA exam standard.

Exam Standard B Homework marked

3 Section B homework questions provided in CBE format through the ACCA CBE practice platform and marked to ACCA exam standard.

Responsive, personal, Tutor Support

Erin will personally provide tutor support throughout the course via WhatsApp / a dedicated WhatsApp group. Erin is with you throughout your course. Erin’s target response period is 24 hours, but the vast majority of queries will be responded to within 6 hours. Erin gives both technical and study skills support.

Revision + Mock Course Price
£ 497
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